Life in the Time of COVID-19


Dr. Victoria Shackelford, Archetypal Psychotherapist Family Counselor


A long-standing meditation group of loving people from different cities in Texas came together today by way of an old fashion conference call on their phones. All 6 of us wanted to do a prayer of Grace for our families, our community, the world and ourselves. We then added in the coronavirus because we had a prayer for this demonic life force to know what it is telling us in such a dynamic and destructive way. We want to turn it into an ally to help us. We asked the drum to work with us to remember who we were when we were born. If we remember our original primal life heartbeat, maybe then our “inter-being” activity will resonate into deeper understanding.  

We may actually bring into consciousness and understanding the message from this demonic force and the Great Mother will hear our Prayer of Grace! 

After our talk, meditation and drumming, this is some of what we shared and I said I would write these thoughts down here.

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) is generating a strong pulsating collective psychic energy that has in our experience, an emerging psychic movement toward the primal force of the archetype of the Great Mother.

Each human heartbeat generates energy from our cells that measure up to 10 feet from our bodies. Out of this natural physical event of each of us, if we listen to it, can we hear what the Archetype of the Great Mother wants? A type of collective heart energy is occurring across the globe.

Coming from the theoretical perspective of the Archetypal Psychologist and Artist, what is the message I hear as I socially isolate? What is the message we all heard from the Great Mother, during our meditation and drumming? 


This is what we felt to be a collective truth from Her:

“Human beings, on this beautiful green blue planet, I want you to take care of my earth. Please nurture and love her as my gift, to you. I have sent you raging fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods and now a pandemic to get your attention. ” It is time to stay home and love your families, your life and listen.” (Mother Earth, April 2020).

This is what I am hearing as I go inward with myself. 

Already the air is cleaner in China, fish are swimming in the canals of Venice. There is an intelligent being beyond science that is at play. 

It is as if the coronavirus is a metaphor for our past and current desperate and despairing situation as a humanity that inflicts a human carcinogen on our beloved Mother Earth. 

The virus is actually a part of us operating as a demon. Our quest is that we must turn this demon into an ally by bringing all of humanity together to raise the consciousness to that of the Great Mother. We all exist in a “system based on psychic and material touch, that then touches every part of every life every moment” and now we can no longer touch each other at all. What a paradox, a moment we are all in.

My experience of this truth is that we are all interconnected into the “Web of Life’’ as “Inter-beings” with no real boundaries and now we have the internet with all its rich compelling complexities to help us even as it weaves its own dark alleys in this “One Web” theory.

Let’s face it, the extraordinary time of the great Masculine energy of the Industrial revolution is waning as a major player as the dynamic Great Mother demands us to pay attention to our humaneness that has no real boundaries. We are all both masculine and feminine; we are all flowers with their bees, and clouds with their wind and sky, trees with their uplifting branches and roots and cocoons with their emerging butterflies.

With this long speech of mine, let’s get to the human part because that is the part suffering the most with her, Mother Earth. 

Let’s do this by taking up drumming in any way you are called. There are studies that show that drumming lowers the heart rate, strengthens the immune system, generates cancer eating cells and brings people together, even 6 feet apart and over the phone and on the computer screen, in any way we can to experience the one heartbeat we actually already are.

We need food, love and connection to be in humanistic sync with “Her” the Great Mother. Lets do all these things to the sound of drumming as a consciousness-raising tool to never forget again “ Who We Actually Are”.

artwork: elena mozhvilo on